Quordle today – hints and answers for Sunday, May 19 (game #846)

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Today’s Quordle is pretty easy. Not quite as simple as today’s NYT Strands game, immediately, but still not too bad. Then again, that comparison isn’t entirely fair, because an easy Quordle is still pretty difficult, so you may well need the clues that I’ve assembled below. Help yourself to as many as you need.

SPOILER WARNING: Information about Quordle today is below, so don’t read on if you don’t want to know the answers.

Quordle today (game #846) – hint #1 – Vowels

How many different vowels are in Quordle today?

The number of different vowels in Quordle today is 4*.

* Note that by vowel we mean the five standard vowels (A, E, I, O, U), not Y (which is sometimes counted as a vowel too).

Quordle today (game #846) – hint #2 – repeated letters

Do any of today’s Quordle answers contain repeated letters?

The number of Quordle answers containing a repeated letter today is 0.

Quordle today (game #846) – hint #3 – uncommon letters

Do the letters Q, Z, X or J appear in Quordle today?

• No. None of Q, Z, X or J appear among today’s Quordle answers.

Quordle today (game #846) – hint #4 – starting letters (1)

Do any of today’s Quordle puzzles start with the same letter?

The number of today’s Quordle answers starting with the same letter is 0.

If you just want to know the answers at this stage, simply scroll down. If you’re not ready yet then here’s one more clue to make things a lot easier:

Quordle today (game #846) – hint #5 – starting letters (2)

What letters do today’s Quordle answers start with?

• A

• U

• F

• S

Right, the answers are below, so DO NOT SCROLL ANY FURTHER IF YOU DON’T WANT TO SEE THEM.

Quordle today (game #846) – the answers

Quordle answers for game 846 on a yellow background

(Image credit: Merriam-Webster)

The answers to today’s Quordle, game #846, are…

  • SUAVE 

As Quordles go, this was on the easier side. Or at least it was on the easier side for me, because my three set start words – STARE, DOILY and PUNCH – did a lot of the hard work for me. In fact, I’m thinking of trying a new strategy just because it’s not typically much of a challenge playing it this way, and I’ll never be able to score better than a 7 out of 9. We’ll see.

Anyway, as far as today went, the only tricky one was FLAKE, because the -LA-E pattern I’d uncovered could also have been the likes of FLAME or BLAME. But once I solved that it gave me the K for ALIKE, the other potentially difficult one given how my board was looking at that stage, so I completed the puzzle with one guess spare.

How did you do today? Send me an email and let me know.

Daily Sequence today (game #846) – the answers

Quordle Daily Sequence answers for game 846 on a yellow background

(Image credit: Merriam-Webster)

The answers to today’s Quordle Daily Sequence, game #846, are…


Quordle answers: The past 20

  • Quordle #845, Saturday 18 May: HUMPH, SHARD, LABOR, CROWD
  • Quordle #844, Friday 17 May: DREAD, USUAL, LOVER, SPEAK
  • Quordle #843, Thursday 16 May: COVEY, TWEAK, DITTO, DECAY
  • Quordle #842, Wednesday 15 May: ABUSE, MANGY, WAGER, AHEAD
  • Quordle #841, Tuesday 14 May: FLUTE, CARRY, BULLY, PURSE
  • Quordle #840, Monday 13 May: CRASS, NICHE, CHEST, PRIZE
  • Quordle #839, Sunday 12 May: BLAST, FRONT, CLACK, EAGLE
  • Quordle #838, Saturday 11 May: SPINY, FRAME, GOOEY, FERAL
  • Quordle #837, Friday 10 May: QUASH, PERKY, ENSUE, HARPY
  • Quordle #836, Thursday 9 May: WOUND, IGLOO, MEALY, PASTY
  • Quordle #835, Wednesday 8 May: SEVER, GLORY, RADAR, SMALL
  • Quordle #834, Tuesday 7 May: DEFER, BOUGH, MISER, MAGMA
  • Quordle #833, Monday 6 May: STAIN, GENIE, LEVEL, RELAY
  • Quordle #832, Sunday 5 May: GAZER, TWEET, FERRY, THUMB
  • Quordle #831, Saturday 4 May: WAGON, QUICK, MURAL, LIEGE
  • Quordle #830, Friday 3 May: NUDGE, CLASH, KNAVE, AGENT
  • Quordle #829, Thursday 2 May: TULIP, PLAZA, DAILY, SINGE
  • Quordle #828, Wednesday 1 May: ROUGH, SYNOD, POSSE, PARRY
  • Quordle #827, Tuesday 30 April: STASH, FUSSY, REEDY, WALTZ
  • Quordle #826, Monday 29 April: STAKE, PURGE, PECAN, PLANT

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