WADAX World Premiere – Munich Highend 2024
Kulaklık Modelleri ve fiyatları, en iyi kablosuz kulaklık, en iyi kulaklık
28/04/2024 08:30
Kulaklık Modelleri ve fiyatları, en iyi kablosuz kulaklık, en iyi kulaklık
Wadax will most definitely be stealing some thunder at Munich this year. In room E207 they will unleash a brand new product called “Studio”. You can expect a much more affordable price point yet the same sonic standards set by the world’s best Atlantis Reference digital. You can also expect comprehensive functionality and of course class leading build and craftsmanship.
This will surely be the all encompassing end game digital solution for many customers and replete with lots of trickle down technology, it it is a unit that is expected to cause a real stir in the marketplace at its retail price. You can also expect Wadax’s incredibly natural real sound, completely devoid of any digital fingerprint or indeed, opposing sounding techniques to combat an electronic or digital sound.
We can’t wait and we will spearhead demos here in the UK. More news Friday 10th May !

The post WADAX World Premiere – Munich Highend 2024 first appeared on lotushifi.